Premium Install Guide
Installing Best Choice TV Premium app
Use for Current Subscribers Only
- First Step is to Open Downloader app

2. Type the following URL exactly as it is listed here – and click Go

3. Wait for the file to download.

4. Click Install.

5. Click Done.

6. Open BCTV Premium and wait a few seconds for the app to load.

7. You have successfully installed Best Choice TV Premium App on your device.
Enter your TV service login credentials that were sent via email and click Login

Now each category will need to be updated. Live TV, Movies and Series. Once you have updated them, Scroll to settings at the top menu. Inside settings, do a speed test.
Adding Channels to Favorites & Recording
Select LIVE TV
Folders are on the Left. Their channel contents is in the middle, with preview on the right. Under preview is your EPG, Electronic Program Guide.

Highlight a folder, select it. scroll to the right to locate the desired channel.
Hold down the OK button on your remote to see menu. Select “Add to favorite” then you should see a star icon appear by the selected channel. Start Recording, allows you to setup recording for that channel.

Enjoy New Release Movies & Series

The top menu: Radio, Account Info, Recordings, Settings, Logout

Radio has no function * Account Info shows status of your subscription * Recordings is where you will find shows you have recorded * Settings is where you can edit functions of the app. * Logout is when you are done using the app
Three large buttons: Live with EPG is your Electronic Program Guide. It will download on it’s own. No need to adjust. Multi-Screen allows you to select multiple screen setup. Each screen uses a connection. Must have 3 connections on subscription to watch 3 screens. Catch up allows users to go back 4 days and watch content from any channel listed inside the feature. (Not functional)

Speed Test

Testing your speed is one of the first things to do after downloading BCTV Premium app. If your download speed is less than 25Mbps, you can continue to setup the app channels, but plan to do some troubleshooting on your own First. Things like resetting your router, restarting device, turning off your VPN. If those things do not increase your speed to 25Mbps, Create a Trouble Ticket.
Setting up Favorites
When setting up favorites, we suggest starting with your local channels first, then cable, movie channels and 24/7 channels. Remember to always use your FREE VPN provided by us. Request user info at helpdesk